Why I love The Heavenly Vegan...

"The Heavenly Vegan is the healthiest meal prep company I have ever tried..."-Kim

​"I just started ordering her raw meals a few weeks ago and absolutely love her food.  Everything has been delicious." -Natalie

"Your portion sizes are so huge, I cannot finish them in one meal.  I have to freeze some so I can eat them later."-Renea

"Your raw chili is so amazing, I love it!"-Pam

"Your meals are a lifesaver."-Sherry

"Max knows how to give vegan food a great name-her food is top notch under any standard..."-Cheryl

​"I was worried that I would feel hungry after the meals but boy was I wrong the protion sizes are huge!"-Christine

"I picked up my second order of vegan meals and this truly is the best vegan food I have ever eaten."-E

"By the way, the nachos (Macho Nacho Salad) and the tempeh (Comfort Bowl) dish were outstanding."-Jas

"Maximina provides you with delicious, healthy, vegan meals and you can tell her food really comes from the heart..."-Christine

"Maximina is so passionate about her cause.  She loves cooking and educating people on how our food choices can play a major role in determining our quality of life.  The presentation AND taste of her food is spectacular.-Julie

"I missed your meals so much while I was on vacation."-Hannah